######################################################################## __ _ _ _ _ / _| ___ ___ | (_) _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___(_) |_ ___ _ __ _ _ | |_ / _ \ / _ \ | | | | '__/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \/ __| | __/ _ \| '__| | | | | _| (_) | (_) || | | | | | __/ |_) | (_) \__ \ | || (_) | | | |_| | |_| \___/ \___(_)_|_| |_| \___| .__/ \___/|___/_|\__\___/|_| \__, | |_| |___/ ######################################################################## this is the official foo.li debian repository ------------------------------------------------------------------------ import the apt-key: ------------------- in order to use this repository you'll have to import our public key: wget -O - http://apt.foo.li/debian/foo.li.gpg |apt-key add - or use the published key on keys.openpgp.org (published for deb@foo.li): apt-key adv --keyserver keys.openpgp.org --recv 67A18606A95915F23F9B8BBAE724BAF2CC30B28A usage: ------ modify sources.list or add a new list entry: For Debian Squeeze (6.x): --------------------------------------------------------------------- deb http://apt.foo.li/debian squeeze main or deb http://apt.foo.li/debian squeeze-archive main For Debian Wheezy (7.x): --------------------------------------------------------------------- deb http://apt.foo.li/debian wheezy main or deb http://apt.foo.li/debian wheezy-archive main For Debian Jessie (8.x): --------------------------------------------------------------------- deb http://apt.foo.li/debian jessie main or deb http://apt.foo.li/debian jessie-archive main For Debian Stretch (9.x): --------------------------------------------------------------------- deb http://apt.foo.li/debian stretch main or deb http://apt.foo.li/debian stretch-archive main For Debian Buster (10.x): --------------------------------------------------------------------- deb http://apt.foo.li/debian buster main or deb http://apt.foo.li/debian oldstable main For Debian Bullseye (11.x): --------------------------------------------------------------------- deb http://apt.foo.li/debian bullseye main or deb http://apt.foo.li/debian stable main For Debian Bookworm (12.x): --------------------------------------------------------------------- deb http://apt.foo.li/debian bookworm main or deb http://apt.foo.li/debian testing main There are different components to choose from (only from Jessie on): main: contains different free packages (Squid /w SSL,owncloud,subsonic,winexe,...) sogo-v2: contains SOGo v2.x Debian packages, including SOPE (unmaintained) sogo-v3: contains SOGo v3.x Debian packages, including SOPE (unmaintained) sogo-v5: contains SOGo v5.x Debian packages, including SOPE zarafa: contains Zarafa and Z-Push packages, including the non-free ones [OUTDATED -> moved to kopano-nightly/z-push] kopano-nightly contains Kopano nightly packages (stretch-repo ongoing) z-push contains Z-Push stable release (split from kopano-nightly) non-free: contains non-free packages (Google Earth, Teamviewer, Draftsight,...), but we couldn't care less about nonfree blobs... -- the 'old' repos are no longer available under 'http://oldapt.foo.li' -- foo.li systeme + software 2012-2023